Export elements with empty custom classification field values. Don't export invisible geometry in beams. (IFC4) Zones can now have a long name, set by the "ZoneLongName" shared parameter for non-MEP zones, and the "IfcLongName" parameter for MEP zones.

Rebar elements can generate up to 1024 consistent GUIDs for individual IfcReinforcementBars, up from 256. If a user-defined property set contains the same property name more than once, take the last non-empty value (don't duplicate the property name). "Extra Low" level of detail now applies to all faceted BRep geometry, allowing many more files to export without hitting the size limit. Changed how the classification code is parsed so that classifications can have brackets and colons in them. Append "(Type)" to all internal Revit type property sets, to avoid having multiple property sets with the same name assigned to the same IFC entity. Periodically, if any significant changes have been made since the last install. There is a critical change to the source code. There is a major Revit release or update release. This directory contains installs based on the IFC code for Revit 2015 and Revit LT 2015.